An overwhelming sugar-hit today.
Spent three hours at Weingut Willi Schaefer, trying all the 09s. A sensational range, with the auslese being pants-wetting material ... then an eiswein and a BA! Gorgeous stuff. Golden delicious all round.
Then lunch in Mulheim with Christoph before making my way to Lieser to meet with Thomas Haag. We moseyed around his vineyards for a while before settling in for a couple of hours of tasting his 09s.
The goldkaps rocked my world and that was just the start. We finished off with a long goldcap and then two TBA goldkaps! One had 470 and the other 530g/l of residual sugar!
Quick dinner with Thomas and then back to the Schmitges guesthouse. Back on the road tomorrow.
The TBA's were the 05'?
Yes, 05, but unfortunately they can't be sold as they didn't reach 5.5% alcohol as required by German wine law.